kak herne bagi.he.firefly out.
kak hernee bagi.he.firefly out.
Yeah i know, its passed 12 right now, but here i am, mumbling...im looking for info-leg cramp or in Malay Simpul biawak..but guess what...the minute i pressed enter...simpul biawak semasa mengandung...leg cramp during pregnancy...duh..obviously im not pregnant ok!!seriously, saya selalu kena leg cramp ni, especially kalau cuaca sejuk mcm sekarang ni la kan..or terlalu penat..or of course stress and sometimes, tengah tido, pergh...mmg sakit gila la rasa bila kena..pernah sekali, masa kt rumah KL, tengah tido tetibe menjerit, terkejut mak saya time tu...hu..so, here i am..sibuk mencari info tengah2 mlm buta ni..hu...but then again, x banyak membantu pun...adalah dua tiga laman web yg boleh la..tapi still...duh...saya pernah baca dulu yg kalau kaki kita selalu cramp, possibility of diabetes..hu...dah la ada family history..xkn kot...mintak2 dijauhkan...hu..tengok tengah mumbling pasal kaki cramp, ni hah kaki tengah cramp...kaki ni cramp dari kt ofis tadi sebenarnya...maybe saya terlalu gemuk kot, so kaki saya mogok sbb nk tampung berat badan saya..kan...perhaps/who knows?but, kaki, please be nice ok...you have to know that you're so worth it to me..i really need you ok...serius i x tipu...i really meant it..so, pelase, be compromise ok...i'll treat you better after this, i promise, i will drink a plenty of water, eat more fruits, exercise and anything for you...just, please be nice ok...i;m begging...ok, saya nk tido dah ni...jgn sakit2 n kejang2 ye...esok ada hari yang panjang untuk ditempuh...and i do really need to go to sleep right now, coz, hey i'm talking to my feet..urgh....
Firefly out..
Firefly out..
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