Its New year new eve...currently tgh lepak kt starbuck busy siapkan my proposal for FYP..bila la semua nightmare ni nak, its usual, here my vision & mission for 2014,
1. I need to lose weight 15 kg by June 2014..ha..nice x..thats mean, ..
2.5 kg per month..
2. konvokesyen on October 2014..
3. i need to go for holiday/vacation seriously ,smpan duit at least RM500 per month for that...i really want to go to Mecca..i need to find a mahram for that..hmm...Moga dipermudahkan..
4. i will send princess for car wash at least once in twice week..hahahhaha..seriously?
5.get better job with salary more than rm10K perhaps?hahahah..harga barang dah naik la...
6. going oversea to further my study? need to really consider about this maybe in early of May..but for now, finish up my master dulu la kan..
7. Beli rumah semi-D...i really need to find one..kalau x duduk pun, at least leh sewakan..side income kan..
8. Last but not least, find someone who really can take care of me and get married..hahahahah..azam basi yg x pernah me..tapi ok la, even Dr Harlina got mrried with sheikh muzafar at her early 30's apa..and they happily married apa...
Ok thats it...
i am always very specific with my vision n mission bcoz penting tau azam yg specific ni...kalau x susah nk capai..betul x..
so, good luck u guys for this upcoming new year..have a blessed year..hopefully.. :)
oh yeah...2013 was very tough and challenging for me...losing my mak it seems like losing my heart...miss her so much..
Al Fatihah Sopiah Bt Paimin & A.Kadir Bin Mohammad
Firefly out
Alhamdulillah..settle separuh jalan of my master's project be honest, i am struggling to finish it up...although i have yet submit the full report proposal to my supevisor..and it need to be send 2 weeks after presentation day which was yesterday..aiyooo...but despite all of bad memories of struggling...finally it is i need to focus on the implemention..wish me the best..
oh ye...cerita yg sama i guess..i lost my spek mata..again n, i have to use my very old spek mata...kabur kot..tapi leh la dari meraba-raba kan...hahahahha...ingat dulu arwah mak suh pakai spek mata ada tali...dia ckp gantung je terus..konpem x hilanh..hahahaha..
such a hectic day yesterday..dah la hari nk present..spek mata hilang..rumah jiran terbakar..aiyoo...but it hink i did well on the presentation..Alhamdulillah..
ok...sambung nanti..
Firefly out..
oh ye...cerita yg sama i guess..i lost my spek mata..again n, i have to use my very old spek mata...kabur kot..tapi leh la dari meraba-raba kan...hahahahha...ingat dulu arwah mak suh pakai spek mata ada tali...dia ckp gantung je terus..konpem x hilanh..hahahaha..
such a hectic day yesterday..dah la hari nk present..spek mata hilang..rumah jiran terbakar..aiyoo...but it hink i did well on the presentation..Alhamdulillah..
ok...sambung nanti..
Firefly out..
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Muka smlm b4 present..cuak kot.. |
Dengarkan bisikan kalbuku
Sungguh besar mencintaimu
Rasakan rasakan rinduku
Yang dalam.. sedalam samudera
Mencintaimu, menyayangimu
Merindukanmu seumur hidupku
Tuhan kuatkanlah hati ini
Saat dia tinggalkan diriku sendiri
Walau pedih ini sungguh perit
Akan ku relakan asalkan dia bahagia
Rasakan rasakan rinduku
Yang dalam sedalam samudera
Mencintaimu, menyayangimu
Merindukanmu seumur hidupku
Tuhan kuatkanlah hati ini
Saat dia tinggalkan diriku sendiri
Walau pedih ini sungguh perit
Akan ku relakan asalkan dia bahagia
Tuhan kuatkanlah hati ini
Asalkan dia bahagia
Asalkan dia bahagia
Bisikkan rinduku by Dayang NurFaizah
#saat hati mula rapuh dan tertanya-tanya dimana hilangnnya pelangi indah setelah hujan berlalu pergi, dapat kurasakan cinta dari Ilahi..
Sesungguhnya aku x pernah sendiri...
walau jalan ku terasa sepi kini..
Firefly out..
#bukan saya x redha, terkadang terlalu rindu..
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Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So, love the people who treat you right. Forget about those who dont. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would e likely be worth it- Harvey Mackay
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