Last two days, ive had long conversation with someone who shared the same space with me for about 2 years.yup, it has been 2 years. Ironically, we passed thru each other often but never talk to each other. That is how I spent my life for the past whole 3 years. I barely meet and talk with new people. I consolidated myself from outsider. Ive been talking and meeting with my family and some of my favourite people only. My insecurities and insanity prevent me to expose and express myself. Id rather be convinience in my own space without any outsider. In my head, "this pain will pass, the time will heal". But my heart still feel the pain and the time never heal anything.
After all ups and downs, I am living my dream now for almost 2 years. I let go my career and currently pursuing my study. Almost at the finish line. So, please pray hard for me. I am feeling a little bit doubt. But whatever happen, I will take it as part of the journey. So that, I can breath easily after this.
Breathe-Lee hi
Take a deep breath
Until both sides of your heart get numb
Until it hurts a little
Let out your breath even more
Until you feel
like there’s nothing left inside
It’s alright if you run out of breath
No one will blame you
It’s okay to make mistakes sometimes
Because anyone can do so
Although comforting by saying it’s alright
Are just words
Someone’s breath. That heavy breath
How can I see through that?
Though I can’t understand your breath
It’s alright I’ll hold you
It’s alright if you run out of breath
No one will blame you
It’s okay to make mistakes sometimes
Because anyone can do so
Although comforting by saying it’s alright
Are just words
Someone’s breath. That heavy breath
How can I see through that?
Though I can’t understand your breath
It’s alright I’ll hold you
Even if others think your sigh
Takes out energy and strength
I already know
That you had a day that’s hard enough
To let out even a small sigh
Now don’t think of anything else
Let out a deep sigh
Just let it out like that
Someone’s breath. That heavy breath
How can I see through that?
Though I can’t understand your breath
It’s alright I’ll hold you
You really did a good job
Korean: music.naver
Rom: dragonshine
Eng: pop!gasa
info: music.naver
Firefly out
A year has passed. I have been ignoring my blog for almost 6 months. 😱😱😱😱such a long time kan.
How have you been? I hope you guys have been doing well. As for me, Alhamdullilah, I am progressing and healing I guess? Is that the correct words to express it. who knows.Eventhough I admit, sometime, I mean many few times, I do crumbled inside. 2014 has been so tough for me. So tough that I could not even imagine of going thru life at that moment. I still remember, driving alone in my car, having thought to run down the highway kerb. The sound in my head just could not went away. Feeling lost and suffocated. Astaghfirullah.
The feeling lingers for a long time. They said time will heal. But it tooks so much time. I dont even know whether it will heal.
But life still continue as the usual. Explore new places, meeting new friends and peoples, create new memories. I garthered all of my courage to proceed. Once I thought I was Ok, 2016, I am being thrown on the ground again. Same sound lingers in my head. Head pain, body pain, imsomnia strikes me so bad. That moment, I realized, why am I depending so much on human? I realized that peoples that I encountered here in dunya is just temporarily send to me by Allah. Some come as blessings and some come as lessons. Thats how I spent my 2017. Reflecting and reminiscing my life. Be grateful with what I have.
So today, I am feeling better. Im trying to be better. When the sound come to my mind, I keep reminding myself "Innallahamaana". I wont say I feel compleasent or content with I had in life right now. But, at least I know. I will never be abondon. Not by HIM. Alhamdulillah.
I hope 2018 will brings more love and success to me😊. I will pray hard for u guys too.
Firefly out.
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Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So, love the people who treat you right. Forget about those who dont. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would e likely be worth it- Harvey Mackay
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