This is last year post..since todday is Earth Day, saya re-port balik..Sharing is caring!!
Ni poster yg saya buat last year untuk company |
HAPPY EARTH DAY!! sebagaimana yang kita semua tahu n 22 Appril is an Earth DAy..
That being said, here are a few tips to consider incorporating into your daily routines.
• Consider new uses for old office materials: can paper be shredded for packing material? Can old binders be donated to elementary schools or universities?
• Turn off your computer monitor if you'll be away from your desk for more than 20 minutes.
• Unplug your printer or scanner if it won't be in use frequently throughout the day.
• Program your desktop to go into "sleep mode" after 30 minutes of non-use. This small effort will cut power demand up to 90%
• Recycle, recycle, recycle! Bring your own mugs for coffee or tea. Reduce the amount of water bottles for personal consumption. Recycle what you can.
• Simplify your home life as much as posisble. By making an effort to reduce what you own, you create less waste for the future.
• Reduce paper usage as often as possible. Replace paper napkins with cloth ones. Reuse scraps of paper for notes to yourself or family members. Use the back of printed paper in your printer to conserve. Buy bleach-free paper, if possible.
• Avoid purchases that are packed for single use; many items can be purchased in bulk, reducing paper and packaging consumption.
• Switch from disposable to reusable products in your home. Forgo the Sherpa's takeaway utensils, and disposable cutlery and straws from restaurant take-away.
• Recycle, recycle, recycle as much as possible; your clothing, plastic food containers, junk mail and magazines.
By being conscious or our actions in our work and home environments, and by educating ourselves about green and environmental issues, we're more readily able to take action that will impact our planet for years to come. You'll be surprised as to what one person can achieve!
Firefly out!!
For today..Hijau by Zainal Abidin
Bumi yang tiada rimba
Seumpama hamba
Dia dicemar manusia
Yang jahil ketawa
Bumi yang tiada udara
Bagai tiada nyawa
Pasti hilang suatu hari
Tanpa disedari
Bumi tanpa lautan
Akan kehausan
Pasti lambat laun hilang
Duniaku yang malang
Dewasa ini kita saling merayakan
Kejayaan yang akhirnya membinasakan
Apalah gunanya kematangan fikiran
Bila dijiwa kita masih lagi muda dan mentah
Ku lihat hijau
Bumiku yang kian pudar
Siapa yang melihat
Di kala kita tersedar
Mungkinkah terlewat
Korupsi, oppressi, obsessi diri
Polussi, depressi di bumi kini
Oo... anok-anok
Tok leh meghaso mandi laok
Bersaing main ghama-ghama
Ale lo ni tuo omornyo berjoto
Koto usoho jauh ke daghi malo petako
Ozon lo ni koho nipih nak nak aghi
Keno make asak hok biso, weh
Pase maknusio
Seghemo bendo-bendo di dunio
Tok leh tahe
Sapa bilo-bilo