How to make Oglio Olio seafood

Simple and super easy menu with spagetti. I seldom eat or order spagetti at the restaurant as i think spagetti is one of the most simplest menu that everyone can cook at home.

Here is the ingredients

Olive oil
Garlics minched/cut into small piece
Capsicum(bell pepper) red/yellow/green
Seafood( u can use frozen prawn or squid as u can store it for a long time in freezer)
Basil leave / parsley leave
Mushroom button slice it into small piece
Chili flakes

How to make it?
Boil spagetti with olive oil and pinch of salt
Put aside 1 cup of broth when you filter the spagetti

In the pan, pour some olive oil, pour the minched harlic, seafood, mushroom button wait until cook, pour the spagetti, put some broth that u put aside earlier, put salt and pepper, put the capsicum, put the parsley and lastly put the chili flakes.

Thats it.

Easy isnt it.

Here the video for your reference.

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