100 Degrees

OMG...i really hate them..s****d people..ah...........i'm starting to hate my job..its all because of this s****d people...you guys are simply jokers!!DAmn...Today is Friday, but yet i have to say something that will makes me regret later..Im so pissed off!!!s****d people...s****d jokers....dont you dare to mess around with me..Sakit tul hati ni..nak ugut-ugut aku lak..WTDuck..you have requested to do your job, just do it,its not that you wont get paid kan..ko ingat aku b****h and didnt realize that you are actually try to take advantage..then,they have to pay you more..oh..tolonglah..reaeki yang nak bagi anak isteri sumai makan biarlah dari Sumber2 Halal ok..bkn dari ambil kesempatan..you're just B******..oh no..i dont know what else to say..then main perli2 aku x angkat telefon..da HP aku rosak bongok last week..lagipun aku malas nk dengar suara ko yang mcm katak puru bawah tempurung..ong..ong..marah2 aku...aku customer la wei..customer is always right..you better treat your customer good or they wont get back to you later..aku x peduli...jap lagi aku nak call lagi satu contractor..lantak ko la..da pandai demand.ko ingat ko sorg je ada company..bodoh..because of you,i have to treat my customer lak teruk...oh..you are just ^^$%^$&**&#&^..Damn..

Firefly out with anger...

Astaghfirullah..Astaghfirullah..Ya Alllah, berikalah hamba-Mu ini sedkit kesabaran dan kau permudahkan jalan bagiku Ya Allah..Hanya pada-Mu aku meminta..Sesnggguhnya Kaulah Maha Pemurah dan Maha Mengasihani..Kau Ampunkahlah dosa-dosaku Ya Allah..Amin..